Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sarah and Nathan {Engaged}


Blake Pack said...

I dig the middle left shot. props

oshiri wa ookii desu yo.
ganbare- (gan as in gonorrhea; bar as in barley; e as in the canadian eh)

Jess said...

I am in love with Sarah and Nathan

Jessie said...

love these! Her hair looks awesome in these. very cute & fun.

Amber said...

They are an attractive couple. I can't stop looking at these. My sister is getting married! AH!

Sharna said...

DAAANG! They're so smoking good looking!

MaShay & Jason said...

I am like Amber. I have looked at these a ton! You are so talented Kristen. I guess it helps to have such good looking subjects. Good work sister.